August 16, 2005

Flax seeds help Cure Constipation

To treat constipation, psyllium is often recommended. But the only study completed so far which specifically compares the effectiveness of flax seeds versus psyllium as treatments for constipation, concludes that flaxseeds are even more effective than psyllium.

This was a double-blind study of 55 people, all of whom had chronic constipation caused by irritable bowel syndrome. Half received flax seed and the other half received psyllium seed over a period of three months. Those taking the flaxseed had significantly fewer problems with constipation, bloating or abdominal pain.

Given that flaxseed is a much cheaper alternative than psyllium, this finding should be more widely publicized. Not to mention that if a person takes flaxseed as a treatment for constipation, they will also derive other great health benefits due to the high concentration of omega 3 fats in flax seeds.

See more details about a high fiber diet for constipation here.

To see an objective and complete analysis of the medical studies that have been completed regarding the use of flax seeds as a treatment for constipation, link here.

The above fine art print is "Baking The Bread" by Peter Seal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was quite amazing info about Flax seeds. Anyways Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems that people face in todays world. It is irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels.

It is a result of faulty lifestyle and irregular eating habits. Not including enough leafy and green vegetables,salads etc in the diet, Not having enough roughage or high fiber food in diet, Insufficient intake of water & Excessive intake of animal protein which are difficult to digest.

Constipation Remedies